Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly- That was the week Gone

The Good:
Lovely weather through out the week, no tension in office as the work load was a bit less; watched 25 movies in 4 days (and all were good ones) and yeah slept a lot too

The Bad:
The sad demise of YSR and the heavy torrential rain which gave me some heart attacks while driving on the bumpy roads in the mad rush of Hyderabad.


The Ugly:
Closed public transport and Petrol Pumps (one of my neighbor suffered a lot as her Daughter in law was expecting and started having labor pains on Friday and No ambulance was available due to closed petrol pumps, but somehow we managed to take her to hospital and she was blessed with a chooooooooo chweeet baby girl), closed ATM’s and Burning tyres on road (that’s the reason one should not rely on plastic money I survived 2 days with a total 78 Rs in my purse), closed shops (even small eateries so the main sufferers were the bachelors) and Cable black-out.

Now happy to be with some known faces after 4 day long and sulking weekend.


  1. It is sad that his demise fell on a weekend and disrupted the entire routine..........many were on extended leave i suppose.

  2. Hmmm, I know, Shit happens sometime.

  3. Umesh
    Extended leave??????

    It sucked man!!!
    Everything was closed. petrol pumps, even ATMS

    Agree to Vee's comment Shit Happens sometimes

  4. Vee

    MAn it was HORRIBLE
    $ days confined in home
    :) thanksfully, got a 300 GB hard disk from friend so watched hell lotta movies

